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Environmental Consciousness in Today’s Society

Writer's picture: TY ECTY EC

By TYEC Eco Ambassador Saara Hisham

Photo taken by Saara Hisham

Our Earth is so abundant in resources and habitats. It is important to preserve these resources by taking steps to be more environmentally conscious. Doing so is a group effort.

We talk about Environmental Consciousness often, but what does it really mean? What does it look like? Being environmentally conscious is easier said than done. Now more than ever, it is important to continue to instill environmental consciousness, be through our day-to-day practices and through advocating for the condition of our Earth.

The (Forgotten) Importance of Being Environmentally Conscious

We live in a society today that emphasizes trends and consumerism. With these ever changing trends in society, many people become forgetful of the repercussions of waste. Fast fashion is a prime example of where many people fail to take into consideration the environmental impact. Purchasing products that are not made to last is not being environmentally conscious. Likewise, not understanding the reason behind taking measures to ensure environmental consciousness is just as ineffective.

Being environmentally conscious requires an active understanding. Helping raise awareness on environmental concerns is a great place to start. The real underlying concern with the often forgotten importance of being environmentally conscious is that not many people are aware of their actions.

Let’s talk about fast fashion. Fast fashion has one of the most detrimental impacts on the environment. The production of clothes that are made for short-term use, all while following trends of consumerism, leave a large carbon footprint. To add to this, according to the UN environmental program, people are buying more clothes but are wearing them for half as long. Ever wonder where these clothes end up? Oftentimes these clothes in one way or another end up in landfills, which are not only dangerous to the environment but to human health as well. The production of fast fashion clothes are harmful to the environment in the way that they are produced- a lot of times with toxic chemicals and dyes. There are also many ethical concerns surrounding the production of fast fashion items.

Fast fashion is one of many examples that serve to remind us of why we must be more aware of our actions, whether positive or negative. We cannot create change if we fail to recognize what must change!

What Environmental Consciousness Looks Like

What can I do? Would my actions even have an impact? These are questions that are asked when it comes to having to take action. Change and impact is hard when one has such a mindset. Changing our habits requires consistency, a positive mindset, and actual action.

Here are some ways you can start being more environmentally conscious:

  • Be more mindful of purchases! It is easy to fall into the trap of consumerism, buying items that may not be necessary, that are not efficient or that are unsustainable.

  • Find ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle! Instead of being quick to purchase new things, the best way to start being more environmentally conscious is to start making use of things you already have- it is not always necessary to buy new things!

  • Biking, carpooling, anyone? When the weather gets warmer, alternative transportation options open up- it is our responsibility to be more mindful of our transportation methods.

  • Water conservation- dry your clothes outside! Once again, as the weather gets warmer, it is important to start making changes in our routines. Drying clothes outside is a great example of a way to save money and stay environmentally conscious! Conserving water through similar practices saves cost and energy.

  • Composting- the new trend Contaminated recycling is a problem in many communities. To avoid food waste as well as the potential risk of tainting clean recycling, learning to compost is a way one can make use of food waste in an eco-friendly manner. Additionally, creating compost mixes through food scraps is a great way to start up gardening as the season arrives.

There are many more ways of how one can begin to be more mindful of their actions. As common as these recommendations are, most times, putting them into action is the difficult part.

Feel free to comment more ideas!


Sustainability is a term that can be defined in many ways. I believe sustainability can be defined as purchasing products and using resources that support one’s necessities without having negative environmental impacts. Sustainability is learning to coexist with the Earth and its vast resources- it is learning to appreciate and to be mindful of the resources we use and have. Learning to make practices sustainable and getting rid of unsustainable resources is what one can do to begin to become more environmentally conscious. The more aware one is of their actions, the more proactive one can be in face of change.

Where That Leaves Us

Being environmentally conscious in our day-to-day lifestyles is extremely important as we begin to see the consequences of the damages our Earth has faced, and continues to face. It has been said that global greenhouse emissions must be reduced by 43% by 2030 (See Link). In order for these goals to be accomplished, our actions must be all in favour of creating positive changes for the condition of our Earth. This is where environmental consciousness comes in. This is where the real change happens.

As simple as it sounds, practicing habits such as being mindful of one’s purchases can be difficult. Like all habits, practice and time is what really makes a difference. Our dedication to creating change is what must encourage us to continue to care for our environment. Mother Earth is in desperate need of help, support, and above all, kindness. Being mindful of our actions is the biggest kindness we can offer our environment. We are the future generation and it is definitely time to take control of our future.


“Climate Change - United Nations Sustainable Development.” United Nations,,to%20net%20zero%20by%202050. Accessed 10 Apr 2023.

DiLonardo, Mary Jo. “What Is Fast Fashion-and Why Is It a Problem?” Treehugger, 5 Oct. 2022,,rights%20are%20violated%2C%20reports%20EcoWatch.

Moulds, Josephine. “Child Labour in the Fashion Supply Chain.” The Guardian, Accessed 10 Apr 2023.

United Nations Environment Programme. “The Environmental Costs of Fast Fashion.” UNEP, 24 Nov. 2022,

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